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Malu Fernandez Is At It Again!?


She called us slackers and lonely people.

“But blogging, aside from Perez Hilton and the other big time bloggers (you know who you are) is for me a slacker job or a medium and pastime for lonely people to connect. Unless you’re in bloody Siberia or in a Gulag prison, try stepping outside your comfort zone and turn off the laptop or pc, you just might find some real live people to talk to instead of typing away in cyber space.”

Then she weighed Journalists against Bloggers

“The difference between a journalist and a blogger is that journalists have to adhere to certain guidelines that govern the freedom of speech. And whatever a journalist chooses to write about—be it popular or unpopular—we do not hide behind an anonymous name and are resigned to the fact that we have to take as much as we dish out.”

And lastly discredits those who give their reactions anonymously

“I suppose I started some kind of trend by eliciting nasty comments and reactions via blog because of my indiscretion. But it seems to be a comfortable medium for people to vent their anger on just about everything they disagree with. I have been called an irresponsible journalist so what does that make you? It is easy to hide under the guise of anonymity you can say just about anything you want because you have no repercussions to deal with. It’s easy to hide behind a false moniker isn’t it?”

Read the Full Article Here

First of all, I am not lonely! I have a life! And I’m enjoying it! I have social life, I do go out. Go to malls and mingle with friends!

When you are blogging, and you are not famous, it doesn’t mean you’re lazy, a good-for-nothing, a slob, or a person lacking a sense of direction in life. I mean yes she didn’t mention these words in her article, but try to find out what slacker means and you’ll see. I am not really amazed by her writings. I mean come on, her articles are filled up with nothing but whining.

Anyway, I wouldn’t waste more time on this crap, all I can say is, I ain’t no slob. Hmmm… I wonder what a real slob looks like???

About umleo23

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