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May nabasa akong post just now from a influencer/financial coach in regards sa isang online game that earn money using cryptocurrencies. Yung post is halatang may mataas na pinag-araalan at malayo na ang narating ni coach.  

Ang sabi niya hindi dapat tawagin or gamitin ang salitang “Scholar” sa mga players na naglalaro ng game na yun. That the word Scholar has been diminished by this game. And the game teach this generation how to become “Inutil”, useless and worthless in other words.  

I am a player of the game, and I do manage a few players too. In my opinion, hindi ko tinuturuan ang kabataan maging inutil. Paano naging Inutil ang isang tao if that person is gaining something out of it and it would be helping their livelihood? Most especially this trying times, ang hirap maghanap ng ikabubuhay. People turn to online selling, streaming, and other digital ways to earn money. Pati ang pagiging pokpok digital na ngayon!   

When people do ways to earn a living, which are unusual for others, is it being useless and worthless? Yung hindi kasi part ng norm and society has dictated that, to earn a legit living is be part of that so called corporate world, inutil na? Kapag hindi mo ginagawa ang mga bagay na common na ginagawa ng karamihan, INUTIL NA?  

Hindi ba, ang inutil is yung mga taong walang ginagawa, nakanganga, at naghihintay ng biyaya mula sa iba. Yung hindi ka na kumikita, pabigat ka pa. Yung mga taong walang kapansanan pero akala mo paralisado na. Yung hindi naman lantang gulay pero binibuhay ng iba. 

Eh yung mga taong naka upo lang, pasandal sandal sa mamahaling sasakyan, posting how luxurious, comfortable, and elegant their life is in their social media, while the rest of the country is starving to death? What do you call them?   

You will tell me that being rich is not a sin. But doing ways to become one is?  

Yes, I know few, na inutang nila yung pinang invest nila, but that’s a different story and that’s their choice, though I would agree that it is not a good idea to do so. But still, the majority of these players used their own money to invest and take the risk, not yours. So who are you to tell them who and what they are?  

Other players didn’t even invest money but gaining earnings out of it. Yup, they did not put out any but earning good money just by playing games,. I call that being SMART, do you agree? 

The truth is, banks and financial Institutions are just scared of these digital assets. Because they will lose business. It is because cryptocurrencies are decentralized peer-to-peer payment network that is powered by its users with no central authority or middlemen needed. And that lack of central authority is the primary reason these institutions are afraid of cryptocurrencies. 

About umleo23

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