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Oo! Masaya! Why not! To have your own family and spent time with your wife and kids! Pwede! bakit naman hindi diba!

Pero teka ganun lang ba talaga kadali mag-asawa. Na tipong, nabuntis mo GF mo kaya kailangan magpakasal na kayo as soon as possible. Magpapakasal ka kahit na hindi ka ready emotionally or most especially financially?

Having the eyes which have seen so much things going on around, nakakatakot! It’s scary as sh*t. Within my family itself, marame na akong nakikita na parang giving me hints that Marriage will never be as easy as it looks.

Para sa akin, I want to be emotionally ready and defenitely Financially ready when that day comes!

Imagine, you need to prepare for panganganak, buy milk, diapers, check-ups, binyag, then for studies of the kids! Thats not a joke at talagang kailangan mo paghandaan tung mga toh, hindi naman pedeng mag anak ka lang then thats it…

Right now, I am enjoying travelling. Imagine if I am travelling with my wife and kids!? Hindi siya joke joke sa bulsa! You will, defenitely, rather stay home watch TV with them! Kaysa gumastos ka ng malaki.

Now, I am still enjoying my own salary, like buying my own things. If I am married, That will change. Many things will change if you are married. RESPONSIBITY and PRIORITIES changes. Yan ung isa sa mga pinaka importaneng bagay na kailangan mo isipin before you do things. Before you ask someone to marry you, or even say YES to marriage.

Hindi ba mas maganda na isipin mo ung magulang at mga kapatid mo, and make sure that they are okay. Rather than thinking of your own happiness lang. I mean we all deserve to be happy, pero before thinking your own happiness, think about the happiness of others.

Nowadays, its not smart to just do things, because you just want it. You have to think thousand times muna. Hindi na katulad ng pnahon noon na napakadali mag-pamilya.

Yes, I am not geting any younger, pero thats the good thing about it. As I get old, I am getting smarter in desciding what is good for me. I get to see the bigger picture rather than the small things.

I am not saying NO to marriage! Of course I wan to have my own family. Why not! But the good question is when? I don’t know though. In God’s time.

“Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love is by far the truest type of love.” -Unknown

About umleo23

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